Work has been hectic as usual because I spent 90% of my June holidays back at work for longer hours than usual. And as all teachers would know, the second semester is a really short one (read: non stop, cramming everything in 12 weeks). Nevertheless, I still made some unexpected progress on the wedding front.
After booking my nikah venue, I thought I could just take a breather while my parents try to firm up their decision on my sanding venue for Saturday before booking my decor vendor closer to the 1 year mark - maybe September or October. As usual, I always think I have more time than I really do.
Of course, I did have a few vendors in mind already - Anggun Decorations, Jentayu Gallery, Signature Bridal and RH Bridal. The drama all started late one night, when I was browsing through all their social media and decided that its a good idea to maybe just ask for their packages or price range first since I have some time now to mull over it and do my finances before arranging meet ups after Eid. First one that I contacted was Anggun Decorations.
Now, these people are true magicians with drapery. Every time I look at their work I am just in awe of how much cloth they use to truly transform a hall into a stunning masterpiece. Because the look that I want for my reception is the ethereal-drapes-flowers-white-silver-cool vibe, I thought they would be someone to look out for. So I dropped them a message on their Facebook handle at 12 midnight asking for a price range and to arrange for a meet up soon. Kak Nyta got back to me instantly with the price ranges and then...
Bam! That was the first harsh slap of reality that told me to wake up my idea and get moving with my wedding preparations if I want my wedding to be what I want it to be. Nothing to wake you up quite like your first ever vendor rejection, really.
This just basically made me drop everything and sent me into bridezilla freakout mode. I quickly contacted Signature Bridal to set up an appointment to meet up with them and see what they have to offer. Signature Bridal is actually more of a photography and bridal company I think. Meaning to say their anchor service is not really their decorations. But I really like how they keep their daises quite elegant and polished - something I really want for my own.

Before I go on, it is time for
All information and opinion that I have on this blog is a result of my own personal experience with the said vendor. I am simply sharing what happened and how it made me feel. I have no intention whatsoever of breaking anyone's rice bowl or dragging my own race (not really) down to poverty. Neither am I motivated by vengeance of any sort, my mother, father, uncles and aunties and grandma's don't own any wedding business. Basically, I have no personal vendetta against any vendor or service provider. I just feel that in order for information to help others it has to be truthful and transparent.
Now, where was I?
My scheduled appointment with Signature Bridal was for Saturday at 1pm. Two of their staff had confirmed this with me earlier in the week and I was really looking forward to meeting them. So on Saturday, I woke my man up and we headed over to their office. When we reached, it looked awfully dark and the door was locked with a sign that said they would be away at this time. Confused, I just rang the doorbell anyway. After 5 minutes of no response, I was getting rather impatient and I gave them a call.
When they answered my call, I tried my best to sound pleasant and calm because God only knows how little tolerance I have for incompetence. It turns out they forgot or "saw the date wrongly" and had just landed from a shoot in Korea. Sorry but, what the
How can it be that 2 staff from the same place can confirm the date with me wrongly?! Definitely as a service provider you want to show from the get-go that you are a reliable company. So, this my friends, was already a bad impression and its just been 5 minutes into our relationship. The consultant asked if I mind waiting for half an hour or coming back tomorrow instead. In all honesty, I wanted to just go home. But since I am actually considering their work, I opted to wait for 30 minutes - seething no less.
During my 30 minute wait, I decided to contact Abang Joji from Jentayu Gallery to check if my date was even available. You may remember me mentioning him here, when I met him late last year. Jentayu Gallery has seriously been one of the dream decor companies for the wedding, and I am so sure I am not the only BTB who shares these sentiments. So of course, after I've tasted rejection once, I was so nervous and had such low hopes for Jentayu's availability, seeing how sought after it is.
So anyway long story short, when I finally met up with the consultant from Signature Bridal, even though she did seem pleasant enough and she was patient in explaining what they had to offer - I just really was not feeling the right vibes. Of course I did not walk away and reject them on the spot because I know that they are my next best option if Jentayu doesn't pull through for me.
The next morning, Abang Joji texted me again to let me know that he'll have his colleague attend to me during my appointment as he is out for another meeting. So...I asked him if it was confirmed that my date is still available. (I mean, I ain't gonna travel from Yishun to Eunos just to be told they can't do my date!) Unfortunately, Abang Joji didn't manage to check for me yet - meaning another few hours of suspense ...
By lunchtime, Abang Joji texted me again to update me and...Alhamdulillah! Last slot for my weekend! I was at work when I received the good news so I had to maintain my giggling to a minimum, lest it betrays my cold distant personality that my colleagues are used to. But boy oh boy was I so relieved and excited and over the moon and on cloud nine?!
Now I was really counting down to Tuesday for my appointment with them to see more of what they have (not that I wasn't 100% sold on them already) and to put my deposit down to secure my date. You know how the auto-response to someone not knowing something is "google it"? Well, if there is one thing that Mr Google does not know it is Jentayu's price points and payment terms. I spent a good 2 days scouring the ends of internet earth for any information at all on this and didn't even get close! I mean, as a BTB, money in and money out is important as I am sure you all know. There is a lot of pacing and planning of bookings and payments to make sure you are not left in debt or eating grass.
So when Tuesday came, and I still have not found any information, I decided to assume that their terms would be similar to Signature Bridal's whereby blocking the date would come at a deposit of 2k. There I was, dragging so much money in my bag from home to work and then all the way to Eunos by myself. And ya'll know how much anxiety I have carrying around wads of cash so, that was one hell of a long journey and I couldn't wait to hand it all over to Jentayu and stop mentally freaking out.
When I reached, Kak Fay attended to me. And she was the nicest most polite and helpful lady ever!!! She just brought me to a room and let me take a look at their albums of all their works including those not published on their social media. The thing that I loved most about her service was that she did not rush me! I absolutely hate pushy and rushy consultants who behave as if they do not have the time of day for you unless you shove your money in their face first. *rolls eyes* Anyway, nothing like that happened at Jentayu. In fact, after I was given a good 10 min alone to gush over all their pictures, Kak Fay came in and showed me even more of their work in different venues that they have done. She asked me where I am planning to hold my reception at and then let me have a look at their work in those venues and also gave me great insight onto some of the challenges and benefits of different halls.

She was super patient when explaining to me their price packages and what they include. Jentayu really has a wide variety of options available so that they are able to cater to the different needs for different brides. Their full deco packages are an upward of 6k and depend on the complexity and drop dead gorgeousness of their designs. Their full deco packages are really FULL okay - complete with chiviari chairs, table, buffet table deco, bridal table, doorgift table, registration table, aisle, pelamin, wall drapery, ceilings, eveything lah! They also have packages that include gubahan trays, doorgifts and invitations that are done up by TWC. These packages would be an additional 2-5k on top of the deco price. To me, for the quality of Jentayu's work and service, it is worth every cent. (Again, these prices are conservative estimates and ballpark ranges okay, please go and check with them directly for the most updated and accurate information)
Kak Fay then explained to me and reassured me that I don't have to commit to a package or a design right now. All I need to do to secure my date is to pay a small deposit of a few hundred bucks (haha, all that anxiety of carrying so much money for nothing), then arrange for another appointment with Abang Joji where I can bring in pictures and inspiration for us to conceptualize on the design and set up together. It is during this 2nd meeting that I will have to know which package I am taking up and what the design would be like - and also a more accurate estimate of the final total cost, of which I would need to pay a 20% partial payment. And the final meeting before the wedding would be 3 months prior where a 50% partial payment is due, and where I will go with them to the venue itself to finalize placements of the different tables and pieces and get a good sense of our vision coming to life in the space. So good right?! I mean, for someone who needs to be in control alot, this is a dream come true. I feel so involved and hands-on and that makes me so assured that I know exactly what is happening and what the hall would look like when I walk in. Love love love major love! Of course the last and final installment for payment will be on the big day itself - pretty normal for most vendors out there.
So without any hesitation...
Venue decoration - DONE!
Alhamdulillah! So happy to have struck this one off the list, albeit unexpectedly and in just the short time frame of a week. Haha! I guess it just goes to show that in the crazy world of wedding planning, sometimes things just never go as planned but they always turn out for the best, InsyaAllah!
As for my venue, my parents and my sis would be taking a look at Begonia Hall next week and hopefully by this month we can finally make a decision on this and get the venue secured before it gets taken up. Once this is done, we can settle the last heavyweight vendor - catering. For now, I am just pinteresting my life away to collect enough material to bring to my next meeting with Jentayu and also exploring ideas on the smaller bits and pieces like wedding favors, invitations, henna and wedding cakes. Also trying to piece things together for my bridesmaids!
Hopefully it won't be too long before my next entry and I can finally share my selected venue! Fingers, toes and eyes crossed hehe. Till next time dearies!